For 36 years Youth Alive has existed to Reach, Raise and Resource.
To Reach high school students that don’t yet know Jesus, to Raise Youth Pastors and leaders and to Resource the local church for all youth ministry-related activities.
We are so passionate about what we’ve done and we are so excited about what the future holds.

ACC Kids NSW exists to champion kids’ ministries across our State. The goal is to connect Kids Pastors, leaders and volunteers across all areas of NSW, so that they and their kids’ ministries, can be strengthened through empowering relationships, shared ideas and resources, and training opportunities.
Throughout the year there will be training events, networking opportunities and access to resources in regional locations as well as on a State and National level.
Together we will reach, teach and do our part to raise children into strong disciples of Jesus who feel empowered to pursue God’s purpose for their life.

There are many people and organisations meeting needs in the community, however ACC churches and their leaders are perfectly positioned to provide something different as we engage with our communities. Community engagement is never about the size of church or how many community programs you have running, it is a way of thinking about the influence you already have.

At Alphacrucis College, we believe that everyone is created for a purpose. Our mission is to help you discover and be equipped for your calling, so you can make an impact in the world for Christ.
As the national ministry training college of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC), we are united through a sense of belonging to our community, our integrative approach to education within a Christian framework and the relevance of our training in a rapidly changing world.
Our VET, Bachelors and Masters courses in Arts, Business, Chaplaincy, Counselling, Education, Ministry, Music, Social Science and Theology have many entry pathways and the freedom to study on campus throughout Australia or online. We offer study modes like local church college, intensives, professional development, and study tours.
AC qualifications are recognised by Australian Counselling Association, the Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) Australia, Chaplaincy Australia and other professional industry bodies.

The ACC Indigenous Initiative is a national strategy committed to create awareness and engage with the Indigenous people of our nation, by resourcing churches and leaders, and raising up Aboriginal and Torres Strait leaders.
The project is an Aboriginal led initiative which provides practical knowledge, experiential engagement and leadership opportunities for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Christians.
Our state based focus is to facilitate healthy, Godly partnerships through safe and respectful engagement and develop an ongoing meaningful communication and practice.

The history of Missions in Australia is very rich - from a single mission field in Papua New Guinea, to now where we are operating in over 35 countries. ACCI Missionaries take the Gospel beyond Australian soil with great faith and courage, partnering with local communities and churches to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
ACCI missionaries are achieving incredible things on the ground in areas such as community outreach, education, health and wellbeing and preaching the gospel.

Chaplaincy Australia is the ACC's network of chaplains delivering support and care across every aspect of Australian society.
Chaplains are professional, equipped and motivated and adaptable to all industries and response agencies. Chaplaincy Australia desires to see chaplains released and attached to every interest group in Australia.
As we look to the future, we are very excited to be a part of a growing movement of ACC churches that are passionate about touching lives. We see Chaplaincy as a bridge to the
community and we are here to assist you to increase your footprint into your neighbourhood and beyond.
Wherever people are, a Chaplain can make a difference!
Ps Deborah Kuhna

ACC Emeritus is our network of our Pastors in semi or full retirement. The Emeritus pastors of our movement are honoured and cared for through this network. Emeritus Pastors are also called upon at different times to assist churches when pastors are on sabbaticals or during transitions of senior ministers.
'Emeritus for Pastors, is designed to honour and care for Pastors in the Australian Christian Churches movement New South Wales who are in full retirement. We owe so much to those over the years who have served so faithfully as Pastors. It is my desire to connect with you and express on behalf of our State executive our deep appreciation of you and your service.'
Ps Ian and Debbie Woods

Red Frogs is a support program that exists to serve and safeguard young people. Red Frogs does this through programs that provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather, educate young people on safe partying behaviours, and promote and provide alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.
Red Frogs aim is to change Australian culture for good, and ACC NSW & ACT wants to empower your church to partner with Red Frogs to make a positive impact in your community.
Ps Jesse and Anita Maioha

Christian SRE provides students with the opportunity to question, explore and discover the Christian faith for themselves. ACC is an Authorised Provider of SRE teachers. All teachers who attend an ACC church are authorised by NSW ACC. We offer face to face SRE teacher training along with zoom training.
Of around 320 ACC churches, 77 churches have SRE teachers represented in local schools. Your child can attend SRE by nominating Combined Christian SRE when
completing the school enrolment form. If your child does not attend Christian SRE and you would like them to, simply write a letter to the school asking for them to attend.
For more information about promoting SRE in your church or becoming an SRE teacher, speak with your pastor or contact sre@nswacc.org.au

The local church is the heartbeat of our movement. Through local churches all across our state communites are reached, the gospel is preached and people come to know the transforming love of Jesus Christ.
As a team we are here to partner with, resource and support new church plants and churches wishing to join the ACC.
We are here to champion the church in your heart. We believe that life-giving, innovative church plants positioned to start strong and thrive is our future. We will provide relationship, resource, training and financial support to position you and the church in your heart for your God appointed future.
Ps Darren Bonnell

No matter who we minister to, we want that ministry to be safe, encouraging and strengthening for both those being ministered to, and those who are serving within that ministry. ACC NSW safer churches provides training workshops for credential holders, board members and volunteers in safer church ministry.
The ACC NSW safer church officer can also provide assistance and advice to churches as they implement safer church guidelines and procedures and if they have the need to report any incident.
Safer Churches national helpline: 1800 070 511

Youth Alive Young Adults (YAYA) exists to REACH young adults, RAISE young adult leaders & RESOURCE young adult ministries.
Young Adult Ministry is not simply about an “age” it's a “stage”. It's a stage of life between teenage years and adulthood. It's time to discover convictions, seek the will of God & learn to stand on your own two feet.
When churches develop healthy young ministries they make it possible for the next generation to grow beyond their teenage years into walking with God for all the days of their lives.
If you have any questions or need any support please reach out because we would love to connect & help.