The Sydney Central region is a melting pot of multi-ethnic communities and vibrant neighbourhoods. It includes churches from the eastern, inner western and southern suburbs of Sydney. These areas are incredibly diverse and they share some of the yummiest food, beautiful beaches and most fascinating people!
Our region currently contains 44 churches with 176 credential holders and is one of the largest ACC regions in NSW.
Some churches are ministering to a specific ethnic group and others have more multicultural congregations. Whilst they are individually fulfilling the biblical mandate, being salt & light in their communities, they are keen to broaden their experience through relationships with other churches and pastors in our region.
Our vision, as a region, is to provide opportunities to build relationships and encourage collaboration as a mutually beneficial support. We aim to provide Godly leadership training, particularly around topics and needs expressed by the pastors. We also encourage ministry growth, professional development and facilitate credentialing within the ACC movement.